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Josée Meunier, 19 rue des Juifs

Audin, Michèle
Josée Meunier, 19 rue des Juifs

Paris, 1871, dans le quartier du Marais. Alors que le domicile d'Albert Theisz, un bronzier ayant participé aux événements de la Commune, est perquisitionné, ses voisins l'aident à fuir. Quelques mois plus tard, Josée Meunier le rejoint à Londres où il a trouvé refuge. Ensemble, ils rêvent de retrouver Paris où leur histoire d'amour a commencé. Inspiré...

CHF 27.70

Torus Actions on Symplectic Manifolds

Audin, Michèle
Torus Actions on Symplectic Manifolds
The material and references in this extended second edition of "The Topology of Torus Actions on Symplectic Manifolds", published as Volume 93 in this series in 1991, have been updated. Symplectic manifolds and torus actions are investigated, with numerous examples of torus actions, for instance on some moduli spaces. Although the book is still centered on convexity results, it contains much more material, in particular lots of new examples an...

CHF 157.00

Fatou, Julia, Montel

Audin, Michèle
Fatou, Julia, Montel
How did Pierre Fatou and Gaston Julia create what we now call Complex Dynamics, in the context of the early twentieth century and especially of the First World War? The book is based partly on new, unpublished sources.Who were Pierre Fatou, Gaston Julia, Paul Montel? New biographical information is given on the little known mathematician that was Pierre Fatou. How did the serious WW1 injury of Julia influence mathematical life in France?From t...

CHF 69.00

Remembering Sofya Kovalevskaya

Audin, Michèle
Remembering Sofya Kovalevskaya
Sofia Kovalevskaya was a brilliant and determined young Russian woman of the 19th century who wanted to become a mathematician and who succeeded, in often difficult circumstances, in becoming arguably the first woman to have a professional university career in the way we understand it today. This memoir, written by a mathematician who specialises in symplectic geometry and integrable systems, is a personal exploration of the life, the writings...

CHF 52.90

Jacques Feldbau, Topologe

Audin, Michèle
Jacques Feldbau, Topologe
Mit seinen Arbeiten über Faserbündel und Homotopiegruppen gehört Jacques Feldbau zu den Wegbereitern der modernen Topologie. Als elsässischer Jude in Clermond-Ferrand verhaftet, verstarb Feldbau zwei Wochen vor Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges während der Deportation nach Auschwitz. Die Autorin zeichnet Leben und Werk des Mathematikers unter den Bedingungen des Nationalsozialismus und des Vichy-Regimes nach und präsentiert zahlreiche bisher unbeka...

CHF 46.50

Morse Theory and Floer Homology

Audin, Michèle / Damian, Mihai / Erné, Reinie
Morse Theory and Floer Homology
This book is an introduction to modern methods of symplectic topology. It is devoted to explaining the solution of an important problem originating from classical mechanics: the 'Arnold conjecture', which asserts that the number of 1-periodic trajectories of a non-degenerate Hamiltonian system is bounded below by the dimension of the homology of the underlying manifold.The first part is a thorough introduction to Morse theory, a fundamental to...

CHF 123.00

Torus Actions on Symplectic Manifolds

Audin, Michèle
Torus Actions on Symplectic Manifolds
The material and references in this extended second edition of "The Topology of Torus Actions on Symplectic Manifolds", published as Volume 93 in this series in 1991, have been updated. Symplectic manifolds and torus actions are investigated, with numerous examples of torus actions, for instance on some moduli spaces. Although the book is still centered on convexity results, it contains much more material, in particular lots of new examples an...

CHF 157.00


Audin, Michele
Geometry, this very ancient field of study of mathematics, frequently remains too little familiar to students. Michele Audin, professor at the University of Strasbourg, has written a book allowing them to remedy this situation and, starting from linear algebra, extend their knowledge of affine, Euclidean and projective geometry, conic sections and quadrics, curves and surfaces.It includes many nice theorems like the nine-point circle, Feuerbac...

CHF 78.00

Symplectic Geometry of Integrable Hamiltonian Systems

Audin, Michèle / Lerman, Eugene / Cannas Da Silva, Ana
Symplectic Geometry of Integrable Hamiltonian Systems
Among all the Hamiltonian systems, the integrable ones have special geometric properties, in particular, their solutions are very regular and quasi-periodic. This book serves as an introduction to symplectic and contact geometry for graduate students, exploring the underlying geometry of integrable Hamiltonian systems. Includes exercises designed to complement the expositiont, and up-to-date references.

CHF 55.50

Fatou, Julia, Montel

Audin, Michèle
Fatou, Julia, Montel
Comment Fatou et Julia ont inventé ce que l’on appelle aujourd’hui les ensembles de Julia, avant, pendant et après la première guerre mondiale? L’histoire est racontée, avec ses mathématiques, ses conflits, ses personnalités. Elle est traitée à partir de sources nouvelles, et avec rigueur. On pourra s’y initier à l’itération des fractions rationnelles et à la dynamique complexe (ensembles de Julia, de Mandelbrot, ensembles-limites). Qui étaien...

CHF 69.00

Spinning Tops

Audin, Michele / Audin, Michhle / Audin, M.
Spinning Tops
Since the time of Lagrange and Euler, it has been well known that an understanding of algebraic curves can illuminate the picture of rigid bodies provided by classical mechanics. Many mathematicians have established a modern view of the role played by algebraic geometry in recent years. This book presents some of these modern techniques, which fall within the orbit of finite dimensional integrable systems. The main body of the text presents a ...

CHF 156.00